I had my first business trip away from the girls. I don't travel often for my job since most of our meeting our easily conductive over the phone and WebEx. But this past week I went down to Atlanta to tour 12 hotels we are currently providing optimization for (and one additional potential hotel). It was a great trip as far as work is concerned (I absolutely love the Marriott brand and it was hugely beneficial to see the hotels in person, as well as the surrounding area) but it was so hard being away from my girls. I cried a little Sunday night when we put them to bed (left Monday morning before they woke up). When I got back Wednesday though I had HUGE smiles and that made it all worth it!

I prepped all their food in advance and labeled each day. Type A much? Darren had some reinforcements with family helpers and everyone survived! Did the girls wear the same clothing/pjs the entire time I was gone? Yes. Yes they did. (Which is super funny. Darren sent me a picture of the girls Wednesday morning and I text back, "are they still in the same outfits from Sunday night?!?!") I also tried using Facetime but they don't seem very interested in interacting with it. Probably when they are a little older.

Anyway, I don't know how parents survive frequent work travel. That would be hard! I do confess, sleeping in the luxurious Revive bedding (seriously, I am talking about awesome sheets, pillows and comforters, client or not) without a baby interrupting my sleep, even if I was up late and up early for work stuff, was very refreshing.
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