It was a tough run. Obviously it's a lot harder to train with two little babies, so I only ran three times/week after they went to bed or on the weekends (and sometimes only twice a week), and I didn't really cross or strength train like I should have (or at all, ha). We kept increasing our distance run on the weekends so I did run ten miles the weekend before. But to say I was sore would be an understatement. I feel pretty good now though.

And wasn't it all worth it anyway for the adorable pictures of these babies holding our medals?????
I'm going to ease off of running for a bit and focus on T-25. Yes, I was sucked in when watching an infomerical one night while Bailey couldn't sleep. It's a ten week program, just 25 minutes a day, five days/week. I'm anticipating some days will be tough to pull it off so I'm going to approach this with some flexibility.
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