She had her shots today (4 total including the flu shot) and she is not a fan of shots poor thing (who is?). We took B&B in to get the flu shot too. If you've ever take three kids under age three in for a shots, you may feel my pain.
Morgan is such a strong baby. It's interesting to see her hitting all the milestones so early after having preemies. She is already sitting up for a couple minutes without any support. She is always rolling and scooting and is this close to crawling. She is crawling backwards a little too. But by Christmas for sure.

Morgan's been eating solids for about a month. So far she's had squash, sweet potatoes, apples, carrots and cauliflower. Going to try eggplant and peaches next. We are only at once a day (she's still spitting up a lot and hit or miss with the feedings).
She is the most mellow happy baby ever I think. What a sweet baby girl.
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