My name is Maggie. I'm a 30-something working mama trying to keep up with everything and married to my best friend. We have two beautiful fraternal twin daughters, Bailey and Brooklyn born in the summer of 2013. They were born at 34 weeks weighing 5 lbs 6 oz and 4 lbs 14 oz.

We have a third beautiful daughter, Morgan, who was born in spring of 2015 just three days ahead of time and weighed in at an impressive 9 lbs 9 oz (and I delivered her naturally, a VBAC, WITHOUT an epidural!!)

I started this blog detailing everything I experienced during my twin pregnancy. It's now expanded into a running commentary on raising our kids.
If you are interested in a guest post or have a product you'd like me to review, you can reach me at maggie dot barr25 at gmail.com.
Follow me on:
Twitter: @magzbarr
Instagram: @magziebarr
This is my personal blog. Thoughts and opinions expressed here are mine and do not necessarily represent the views of my employer, its clients or affiliates.
So enjoyed reading your story!!!