We started her on baby food. Mixed up some butternut squash that I cooked in the crockpot (thank you Pinterest) in the baby bullet (yeah I'm THAT mom that makes all the baby food). Morgan wasn't feeling it though. Might be a little too early. She only just turned five months. I tried it a second time but she still wasn't that into it so I'll try again in a couple weeks.

I am actually still breastfeeding but I've cut down a lot. It was just too hard to pump at work. I started pumping just once a day at four months (supplementing with formula for the rest of the feeds) and dropped all day time pumping at five months. So I'm only BFing at night and in the morning. Morgan was STILL NOT SLEEPING THROUGH THE NIGHT which was making me pretty tired, but she's actually (knock on wood) had an awesome streak of a week and a half where she's gone from 11 to 6 am, and some of those nights she's even gone 8 p.m. to 7 a.m. when I wake her up for daycare. So if she could keep this up, it would make me very happy!
We also let Morgan try out the baby swing at the park. I made up my mind at work that I would put her into it and then Googled it to see if I was a horrible parents. Seems like baby swings are made for 6 months plus but a lot of people put their babies in starting at four months. So we did it. Morgan seemed to really like it!
A few cute shots of her sisters at the park, too!
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