So we cut bottles cold turkey a couple weeks ago. It was surprisingly uneventful. I know a lot of people say to cut bottles around 12 months but that just wasn't happening for us. But they were done by 18 months.
We introduced sippy cups pretty early and they've always been okay at using them. They never drank a ton but they did always have them with meals. I've been nervous to cut bottles since they are still pretty small and don't eat a ton but it seemed time. Bailey kept leaking through her nighttime diaper about every other night so I thought this was a sign that they were having too much liquid at night. The pediatrician also told us it would be easier to cut bottles sooner rather than later. We were only doing a morning and a nighttime bottle anyway, so I decided to just cut them both.
And the girls did fine. I was preparing myself for an epic battle but I really don't even think they noticed. Easy peesy.

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