We might be a little crazy, but we took the kids camping. In a tent.
Actually everything went so much better than I would have expected.
The day started off with the parade at the
Twinsburg Twin Fest. How convenient for us that the biggest twin convention is just 45 minutes from home. I am so excited about the festival and will try to go every year. Obviously there were so many twins and all wearing matching outfits and many in ridiculous costumes. (We did not dress up in theme this year, which was Groovy in Twinstock, but many others did and it was hilarious.)
After the parade, we just walked around for a couple hours. They have food, live music, pony rides, etc. I think the girls would like it a lot better in a couple years. They did enjoy funnel cake though. The one thing that was kind of weird was the amount of people that took photos of my girls. I post photos all the time on social so it's not like I care from a privacy stand point, but it was a big surprise that people were coming up to us ALL DAY asking if they could take photos of our kids. I always said yes, and stopped and tried to get the girls to smile for the picture taker. But just a weird feeling. Apparently they warn you about that in the registration materials that I did not read.
Our fellow twin parent friends Laura and Brandon were brave enough to camp with us. So we had four babies camping (two 13 month olds and two 14 month olds). Sounds like a recipe for disaster right? Add to that the fact that it was raining. We were really on the fence about staying because of the weather, but we got there and set up the canopy over the picnic table, got the kids in pack in plays, cracked open some beers, got out the food... then we decided to just for it. So the boys built the fire and set up the tent, we all ate dinner and then it was baby bed time. We were lucky that we fit two pack and plays AND an air mattress in the tent. Kids went down pretty easy, though they kept waking up a little while they heard us talking around the fire. Once the fire was out and the adults called it a night (at 11:30 ha! We are too tired for midnight), the girls slept like rocks until 6 a.m. The Smith babies had a rougher night because they couldn't fit the pack n plays in the tent. But in the end we all survived!
Aside from camping and Twins Fest, here's a funny video of the girls eating ice cream (gelato to be specific). Brooklyn must have thought I was giving her bites too slowly because she kept reaching into Bailey's mouth to get an extra bite.