The girls are 19 1/2 weeks and keeping us very busy. They are doing SO WELL!!!
- First of all, they are sleeping NINE hours every single night. Which is a dream come true. We put them down for bed around 10 or 10:30 and they sleep till 7 or 7:30. Sometimes we even have to wake them up so we can get them to the baby sitter.
- We upped their ounces. They now get six ounces in the morning and last feeding of the night, and five ounces during the day time feedings. They also just dropped a day time feeding this week so they are getting five a day instead of six (or instead of the eight we started with). So they eat around 27 ounces a day, give or take. We'll see how they do with that and probably increase to six at every feeding, and maybe seven for the first/last feeding.
- They've recently started reaching for toys on purpose! Especially Brooklyn. She will lay on her mat and reach up and play with the toys instead of just batting at them. She will also clutch animals to her chest like she is hugging them. She also loves burp rags. Bailey is also doing it, just not as dramatic.
- Tummy time is getting much better! We started doing tummy time on the boppy pillows which they tolerate much better. Bailey seems a bit better at this (poor babies always being compared to each other).
- Still waiting for them to roll over (other than the random time Brooklyn did it once at six weeks, which had to be a fluke).
- They are chatting up a storm. Especially Bailey. She gets VERY loud! It's really cute when they get excited and you can see how hard they are trying to talk to you.
- I put away all the 0 to 3 month clothing. So sad! We are officially in 3 to 6 months. And they are now in size two diapers. Growing up!
- I am probably wrong/crazy, but I wonder if Brooklyn (and possibly Bailey) is teething. She is a drool machine and puts everything into her mouth. Hmm.
- We bought a mini van. It was bound to happen. In love with it. 2014 Honda Odyssey in metallic silver topez with truffle interior (aka gray). Darren's truck is no more.
- They are kind of starting to notice each other. Kind of. There is hand holding going on (but they just like to grab things) and they seem to look at each other sometimes. No real interaction just yet.
- Still won't do day time naps in the cribs. Thank God for rock n play sleepers.
- We took them swimming for the first time. No reaction, ha. I'm not even sure they realized they were in water really.

Work is getting easier, too. The first few weeks back were kind of weird but I am getting into a rhythm. Our day care/baby sitter routine seems to be working as well.
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