I am always surprised by how much more they move each week. Every five to ten minutes now I feel one of them move, and its getting a lot stronger. It's pretty easy now for Darren or other people to feel them move. I can't tell for sure, but it seems like Baby B moves around a lot more than Baby A. She's always been on the right side at every ultrasound, and I feel the most movement in the upper right part of my belly.
We had another birthing class Thursday night. We watched an actual labor video in this class. Pretty gross. The last half hour we did breathing exercises and birthing positions while our support person rubbed our shoulders and backs. The teacher also had the men pinch us again to simulate contractions. I am not a big fan of that.
I *think* I may have felt my first Braxton Hicks contraction Friday night. I panicked for a moment wondering if I was going into super early labor. But it went away after I chugged a glass of water.
Remember 21 weeks ago when I looked like this?
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