So the girls had their 9 month doctor check up.
Brooklyn: 18 lbs, 2 oz and 27 inches
Bailey: 17 lbs, 15 oz and 27 inches
This puts them both in the 50th percentile for height and weight for their adjusted age (compared to their actual age, it's in the 30th about). Doctor said they seem about four to five weeks behind developmentally due to being early and should be all caught up by age two or three. But doing super well and healthy and happy little girls!
Also, Bailey's head measures in the 90th percentile. hahahahaha.
They had an absolutely perfect and adorable weekend. They are really starting to interact with each other (some) so that is pretty cool. Lots of big belly laughs. Still doing really well eating. Actually I gave them peanut butter this weekend and no reaction yet so hopefully we dodged the peanut allergy bullet (not that we really have a family history other than my cousin's son).